What is Bichectomy Surgery?

Bichectomy Surgery, also known as buccal fat removal, is a cosmetic procedure aimed at reducing the fullness of the cheeks by removing a portion of the buccal fat pads. The buccal fat pads are located in the lower part of the cheeks and can contribute to a round or chubby facial appearance.

During a bichectomy procedure, an incision is typically made inside the mouth, allowing the surgeon to access the buccal fat pads. The desired amount of fat is then carefully removed, sculpting the cheeks and creating a slimmer facial contour. The incisions are then closed with sutures.

Bichectomy surgery is generally performed as an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia, and it typically takes around 30 minutes to one hour to complete. The recovery period is relatively short, with most patients able to resume their normal activities within a few days.

Is bichectomy safe?

Bichectomy, or buccal fat removal, is generally considered a safe procedure when performed by a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon. Like any surgical procedure bichectomy surgery does carry potential risks and complications, but they are generally uncommon. It is important to have a thorough consultation with a reputable plastic surgeon who can assess your individual circumstances and determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.

Here are some factors to consider regarding the safety of bichectomy:

Surgeon’s expertise: The safety of bichectomy largely depends on the skill and experience of the plastic surgeon performing the procedure. It is important to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon who has a proven track record of successful bichectomy surgeries. Research the surgeon’s credentials, experience, and patient reviews to ensure you are in capable hands.

Preoperative evaluation: Prior to undergoing bichectomy, a comprehensive evaluation will be conducted by the surgeon to assess your overall health and suitability for the procedure. This evaluation may include a review of your medical history, physical examination, and any necessary diagnostic tests to ensure you are a good candidate for surgery.

Surgical facility and team: The safety of bichectomy is also influenced by the surgical facility and the support team involved in the procedure. Ensure that the surgery is performed in an accredited facility with appropriate safety protocols and monitoring equipment. An experienced surgical team, including anesthesiologists and nurses, is crucial in maintaining patient safety during and after the surgery.

Potential risks and complications: Like any surgical procedure, bichectomy carries potential risks and complications, although they are generally rare. These can include bleeding, infection, adverse reactions to anesthesia, temporary or permanent nerve injury, asymmetry, unfavorable scarring, and dissatisfaction with aesthetic outcomes. Your surgeon will discuss these risks with you during the consultation and provide guidance on how to minimize them.

Postoperative care and follow-up: Following your surgeon’s postoperative care instructions and attending follow-up appointments are crucial for a safe and successful recovery. Your surgeon will provide guidelines on wound care, pain management, activity restrictions, and any necessary postoperative treatments or medications.

Does fat come back after a bichectomy?

After a bichectomy, the removal of buccal fat pads, the fat cells that are removed do not grow back. Therefore, the specific fat that is removed during the surgery does not return.

However, it is important to note that bichectomy does not prevent future weight gain or affect fat in other areas of the face or body. If a person gains weight after bichectomy, the remaining fat cells in the face or other parts of the body may still expand, potentially impacting the overall appearance of the face.

It’s essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, to help manage overall body weight and achieve desired facial aesthetics. If weight gain or changes in body composition occur after bichectomy, it is possible that these changes may affect the appearance of the face.

Why is buccal fat removal not good?

Buccal fat removal, also known as bichectomy, is a cosmetic procedure that involves the removal of a portion of the buccal fat pads in the cheeks. While bichectomy can be a suitable option for some individuals seeking facial contouring, it is important to consider potential drawbacks and limitations of the procedure. Here are some reasons why buccal fat removal may not be considered favorable for everyone:

Potential over-reduction: Removing too much buccal fat can result in a sunken or gaunt appearance in the cheeks. It is essential for the surgeon to carefully assess the individual’s facial structure and provide appropriate recommendations to achieve natural-looking results.

Facial aging: The buccal fat pads serve as a natural volume and contouring component of the face. As individuals age, loss of facial volume and fat can occur naturally, leading to a more aged appearance. Removing buccal fat may accelerate this process, potentially impacting the long-term facial aesthetics.

Individual facial balance: Facial attractiveness and harmony depend on the overall balance and proportion of facial features. In some cases, prominent cheeks or fuller facial contours contribute positively to an individual’s appearance. Bichectomy may result in an imbalanced or disproportionate facial profile, especially if performed without considering other facial features.

Lack of reversibility: Bichectomy is a surgical procedure that permanently removes buccal fat. Once the fat is removed, it cannot be put back. It is crucial to have realistic expectations and carefully consider the irreversible nature of the procedure.

Individual suitability: Bichectomy may not be appropriate or beneficial for everyone. It is important to have a thorough evaluation by a qualified plastic surgeon to determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure. They will consider your facial anatomy, overall aesthetic goals, and the potential risks and benefits specific to your case.

What is the best age for bichectomy?

The optimal age for undergoing a bichectomy, or buccal fat removal, can vary depending on individual circumstances and preferences. Bichectomy is a cosmetic procedure performed to reduce the fullness of the cheeks by removing a portion of the buccal fat pads. The procedure is typically performed on adults who have fully developed facial features.

While there is no specific age requirement for bichectomy, it is generally recommended that individuals wait until their facial features have fully matured before considering the procedure. Facial development is typically complete by late adolescence or early adulthood, usually around the age of 18 or older. Waiting until this stage ensures that the surgeon can accurately assess the individual’s facial structure and provide appropriate recommendations for achieving natural-looking results.

It’s important to note that age alone should not be the sole factor in determining the suitability for bichectomy. Each person’s facial anatomy and aesthetic goals are unique, and a comprehensive evaluation by a qualified plastic surgeon is necessary to determine if the procedure is appropriate. The surgeon will consider factors such as facial balance, proportion, overall health, and individual expectations to guide the decision-making process.

Can you kiss after buccal fat removal?

After buccal fat removal, it is generally recommended to avoid activities that could strain the incision area and potentially disrupt the healing process. Kissing involves movement of the lips and cheek muscles, which may put pressure on the surgical site and interfere with proper healing. Therefore, it is advisable to refrain from kissing for a certain period of time as instructed by your surgeon.

The specific duration of avoiding kissing or other activities may vary depending on individual healing progress and the recommendations provided by your surgeon. It’s important to follow their postoperative instructions carefully to ensure proper healing, minimize the risk of complications, and achieve the desired results.

During the recovery period, it’s crucial to prioritize rest, adhere to prescribed pain medications and wound care instructions, and attend follow-up appointments to monitor your progress. Your surgeon will provide you with specific guidelines and inform you when it is safe to resume normal activities, including kissing.

How painful is buccal fat removal?

The level of pain experienced during and after buccal fat removal (bichectomy) can vary from person to person. Pain is subjective and influenced by individual pain tolerance, the extent of the procedure, and the person’s overall health. While some individuals may experience minimal discomfort, others may experience more significant pain. Here are some aspects to consider:

Anesthesia during the surgery: During the procedure itself, you will be under the effects of anesthesia, which ensures that you won’t feel any pain or discomfort during the surgery.

Postoperative pain: After the surgery, it is common to experience some discomfort, swelling, and soreness in the treated area. The level of pain can vary depending on individual factors and the extent of the procedure. The pain is typically described as manageable and often improves gradually over time.

Pain management: Your surgeon will provide you with instructions on managing postoperative pain. This may involve the use of prescribed pain medications to help alleviate any discomfort. Following the prescribed dosage and schedule for pain medication can help control pain effectively.

Swelling and discomfort: Swelling is a normal part of the healing process and may contribute to feelings of tightness or discomfort in the treated area. Applying cold compresses and keeping the head elevated can help reduce swelling and alleviate discomfort.

Individual pain tolerance: It’s important to remember that pain is subjective, and everyone experiences and tolerates pain differently. Some individuals may have a higher pain threshold and report less pain, while others may be more sensitive to discomfort.

Which celebrities have had buccal fat removal?

As an AI language model, I don’t have access to up-to-date information on specific celebrities and their personal medical procedures. Celebrities’ choices regarding cosmetic procedures, including buccal fat removal, are typically private and not widely disclosed. Therefore, it can be challenging to obtain accurate and comprehensive information about which celebrities have undergone buccal fat removal.

It’s worth noting that many celebrities maintain their privacy regarding cosmetic treatments, and any information about their procedures is often based on speculation or personal accounts. When information does become publicly available, it is generally through the individual’s own statements or media reports.

Can you eat after a bichectomy?

After a buccal fat removal (bichectomy) surgery, it is typically recommended to follow specific dietary instructions provided by your surgeon during the initial recovery period. These instructions may vary based on individual factors and the surgeon’s recommendations. Here are some general guidelines:

Clear liquids and soft foods: In the immediate postoperative period, your surgeon may advise consuming clear liquids or a soft diet to minimize discomfort and facilitate healing. This can include items such as water, broth, clear soups, fruit juices, and mashed or pureed foods.

Gradual transition to a regular diet: As the initial healing progresses, you may gradually reintroduce a regular diet based on your surgeon’s recommendations. This typically involves starting with softer foods and gradually incorporating a wider variety of textures and consistencies as tolerated.

Chewing and eating precautions: During the early stages of recovery, it is important to be mindful of chewing and eating to avoid placing unnecessary strain on the surgical site. Chewing should be done carefully and on the opposite side of the mouth, avoiding direct pressure on the incision area.

Follow your surgeon’s instructions: Your surgeon will provide specific dietary guidelines tailored to your individual needs and the extent of the surgery. It is important to follow these instructions closely to ensure proper healing and minimize the risk of complications.

Do models get buccal fat removal?

Some models or individuals in the modeling industry may choose to undergo buccal fat removal (bichectomy) as a cosmetic procedure to achieve specific facial aesthetics. Models, like anyone else, may have personal preferences regarding their appearance and may opt for various cosmetic treatments or procedures to enhance their features.

However, it’s important to note that the decision to undergo buccal fat removal or any other cosmetic procedure is highly personal and should be based on individual preferences and goals. It is not limited to models or individuals in the modeling industry.

The choice to undergo any cosmetic procedure, including buccal fat removal, should always be made after careful consideration, thorough consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon, and a comprehensive understanding of the potential risks, benefits, and limitations of the procedure.